Tuesday, May 29, 2018

PUBG Mobile Mouse Helper

This is something I made a couple of days ago to enable me to rapid fire single shot weapons while negating recoils of most guns in PUBG Mobile's official PC version by Tencent. I first tried to achieve the same using AutoHotkey - but it, or perhaps my knowledge of it, quickly fell short. So, I decided to make something to the same effect in C. I did, but I wanted a nice GUI with the ability to modify the different parameters of the script. I thought my SimWin library could do the job but I decided trackbar controls would be better suited for the purpose of modulating the recoil parameters than some plain old textboxes, and unfortunately, I'd not implemented trackbars in SimWin yet. So, I decided .Net with P/Invoke would have to do. Two days later, here it is :

The primary goal and functionality of the program is quite simple but here are the major highlights :
  • Hold middle mouse button to auto fire single shot weapons
  • Allows modulation of four different parameters : i) Horizontal correction (dx) ii) Vertical correction (dy) iii) Sleep period between consecutive mouse moves during recoil correction* (WaitMs) iv) Delay period between consecutive shots fired (DelayMs)
  • Ability to save custom presets for different weapons along with six built-ins
  • Enter key switches between different presets when in monitoring mode for when within the game
  • Arrow keys modify the dx and dy parameters when in monitoring mode for when within the game
*The recoil correction has been implemented by basically holding and dragging the in-game cursor since the game crosshair doesn't correspond to the actual cursor position. And while the in-game cursor does correspond to the actual cursor position, it is constantly repositioned to somewhere near the center of the game window. So, a simple SetCursorPos() call doesn't do the trick (tried and failed). This is the reason mouse_event() calls have been used to simulate mouse movement in terms of x and y displacements - dx and dy - for recoil correction. Furthermore, looping through each of the dx and dy pixels without any artificially placed delays seems to be too quick for the game to register - the recoil correction stops working altogether. This is why a WaitMs delay is required.

The original C code that I experimented with is available here

Download the program here

Project @ GitHub

Note : .Net Framework 4.6.1 is required to run this program.

Update : Version 2.3 has been published on GitHub.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your information is so good and mouse setting is one of the biggest problem faced by a gamer, this will help alot and also i see pubg modes in natural apk
